NEW 256760
Align with 'UA' Stylesheet for 'lists' after 'counter-resets: list-item' implementation
Summary Align with 'UA' Stylesheet for 'lists' after 'counter-resets: list-item' impl...
Ahmad Saleem
Reported 2023-05-13 11:45:49 PDT
Hi Team, While we are going to sync-up partial UA rules, based on Tim's suggestion, I am creating this separate for future work: HTML Spec: ol, ul, menu { counter-reset: list-item; } ________ This needs to be added. If we add it currently, it might pass few tests but due to lack of implementation, it will break other bits. Just wanted to raise, so we can track it for future. Thanks!
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2023-05-20 11:46:19 PDT
Tim Nguyen (:ntim)
Comment 2 2023-05-20 14:17:09 PDT
We'd basically need to fully implement counter-set + counter-reset + reversed() counters to make this work.
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 3 2023-09-02 04:21:09 PDT
counter-set is done by: Now waiting for: counter-reset & reversed().
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