NEW 249924
WebKit only distributes extra table-height to tbody rows -- not to thead/tfoot rows
Summary WebKit only distributes extra table-height to tbody rows -- not to thead/tfoo...
Daniel Holbert
Reported 2022-12-28 11:34:23 PST
STR: (1) Load either of these testcases: Table using CSS styling: Table using HTML parts: EXPECTED RESULT: The rows should all be the same height. ACTUAL RESULT: The header/footer rows are only as tall as their content. The css-tables-3 spec "height distribution algorithm" says (in its last paragraph) to distribute any extra available height equally among all rows. There's no exception for rows that are in header/footer groups. Link: Blink has the same behavior as WebKit here, but probably just because this is a legacy WebKit table behavior that Blink inherited. All other browser engines -- Gecko (Firefox), EdgeHTML (Edge 16), Trident (IE11), and Presto (pre-Blink Opera) -- distribute the height equally among all the rows, including the header/footer rows. And that seems to be what the spec calls for, as well. Blink version of this bug report: This was also originally filed as a Firefox bug: (but as noted above, Firefox seems to be spec-compliant, and WebKit-derived rendering engines seem to be the odd ones out here; hence I've closed that bug as invalid and filed these Blink/WebKit bugs.)
Karl Dubost
Comment 1 2022-12-29 05:33:15 PST
Thanks Daniel! Probably it would be good to have a WPT test for this bug.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 2 2023-01-04 11:35:18 PST
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