[ New Test ] (257673@main): [ iOS ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/canvas/offscreen/manual/the-offscreen-canvas/offscreencanvas.transferrable.w.html is a flaky failure
Summary [ New Test ] (257673@main): [ iOS ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/canv...
Karl Rackler
Reported 2022-12-14 19:13:41 PST
Description: imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/canvas/offscreen/manual/the-offscreen-canvas/offscreencanvas.transferrable.w.html The test was added at 257673@main and has been a flaky failure since then. This issue can be bisected to 257673@main using command: run-webkit-tests --release -f --clobber-old-results --exit-after-n-failures 1 --force --child-processes=5 --iterations=50 --ios-simulator imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/canvas/offscreen/manual/the-offscreen-canvas/offscreencanvas.transferrable.w.html History: Diff: @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ + +Harness Error (TIMEOUT), message = null PASS Test that OffscreenCanvas's size is correct after being transferred from a worker. PASS Test that transfer an OffscreenCanvas that has a 2d context throws exception in a worker. -PASS Test that transfer an OffscreenCanvas that has a webgl context throws exception in a worker. +TIMEOUT Test that transfer an OffscreenCanvas that has a webgl context throws exception in a worker. Test timed out PASS Test that transfer an OffscreenCanvas twice throws exception in a worker. PASS Test that calling getContext('2d') on a detached OffscreenCanvas throws exception in a worker. PASS Test that calling getContext('webgl') on a detached OffscreenCanvas throws exception in a worker.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2022-12-14 19:14:17 PST
Karl Rackler
Comment 2 2022-12-14 19:17:21 PST
I have marked this test as a flaky failure while this issue is investigated.
Comment 3 2022-12-14 19:26:38 PST
Test gardening commit 257899@main (9a57c841dc06): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #7667 and removing active labels.
Ryan Haddad
Comment 4 2023-05-08 13:20:31 PDT
This test doesn’t appear to have failed on the bots for quite a while, we should remove the expectation.
Karl Rackler
Comment 5 2023-05-11 07:58:23 PDT
Removing test expectation.
Comment 6 2023-05-11 08:05:16 PDT
Test gardening commit 263966@main (7404e7d0df98): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #13757 and removing active labels.
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