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Crash in Heap::isNumber when running testapi on Windows
Crash in Heap::isNumber when running testapi on Windows
Adam Roben (:aroben)
2009-03-26 14:19:20 PDT
To reproduce: 1. cd WebKitBuild/bin 2. ./testapi.exe You'll crash in Heap::isNumber. Here's the backtrace:
> testapi_debug.exe!JSC::Heap::isNumber(JSC::JSCell * cell=0x00e666e8) Line 261 + 0xe bytes C++
testapi_debug.exe!JSC::JSCell::isNumber() Line 129 + 0x9 bytes C++ testapi_debug.exe!JSC::isNumberCell(JSC::JSValuePtr v={...}) Line 113 + 0x1e bytes C++ testapi_debug.exe!JSC::JSValuePtr::isDoubleNumber() Line 208 + 0x14 bytes C++ testapi_debug.exe!JSC::JSValuePtr::getNumber(double & result=-9.2559631349317831e+061) Line 407 + 0x8 bytes C++ testapi_debug.exe!JSC::JSCallbackObject<JSC::JSObject>::toNumber(JSC::ExecState * exec=0x01060490) Line 411 + 0x1b bytes C++ testapi_debug.exe!JSC::JSValuePtr::toNumber(JSC::ExecState * exec=0x01060490) Line 261 + 0x58 bytes C++ testapi_debug.exe!JSC::JITStubs::cti_op_mul(void * * args=0x0012f8ac) Line 801 + 0xc bytes C++ testapi_debug.exe!JSC::JITStubs::cti_op_convert_this() + 0xff bytes C++ testapi_debug.exe!JSC::JITCode::execute(JSC::RegisterFile * registerFile=0x00e10800, JSC::ExecState * callFrame=0x01060490, JSC::JSGlobalData * globalData=0x00e0cfb0, JSC::JSValuePtr * exception=0x0012faa4) Line 86 + 0x21 bytes C++ testapi_debug.exe!JSC::Interpreter::execute(JSC::EvalNode * evalNode=0x00e64a00, JSC::ExecState * callFrame=0x01060408, JSC::JSObject * thisObj=0x01460000, int globalRegisterOffset=146, JSC::ScopeChainNode * scopeChain=0x00e657d0, JSC::JSValuePtr * exception=0x0012faa4) Line 781 + 0x36 bytes C++ testapi_debug.exe!JSC::Interpreter::callEval(JSC::ExecState * callFrame=0x01060408, JSC::RegisterFile * registerFile=0x00e10800, JSC::Register * argv=0x01060440, int argc=2, int registerOffset=17, JSC::JSValuePtr & exceptionValue={...}) Line 343 + 0x5f bytes C++ testapi_debug.exe!JSC::JITStubs::cti_op_call_eval(void * * args=0x0012fb00) Line 1806 C++ testapi_debug.exe!JSC::JITStubs::cti_op_convert_this() + 0xff bytes C++ testapi_debug.exe!JSC::JITCode::execute(JSC::RegisterFile * registerFile=0x00e10800, JSC::ExecState * callFrame=0x01060048, JSC::JSGlobalData * globalData=0x00e0cfb0, JSC::JSValuePtr * exception=0x0012fc20) Line 86 + 0x21 bytes C++ testapi_debug.exe!JSC::Interpreter::execute(JSC::ProgramNode * programNode=0x00e3f940, JSC::ExecState * callFrame=0x00e1095c, JSC::ScopeChainNode * scopeChain=0x00e10ae8, JSC::JSObject * thisObj=0x01460000, JSC::JSValuePtr * exception=0x0012fc20) Line 623 + 0x2d bytes C++ testapi_debug.exe!JSC::evaluate(JSC::ExecState * exec=0x00e1095c, JSC::ScopeChain & scopeChain={...}, const JSC::SourceCode & source={...}, JSC::JSValuePtr thisValue={...}) Line 69 C++ testapi_debug.exe!JSEvaluateScript(const OpaqueJSContext * ctx=0x00e1095c, OpaqueJSString * script=0x00e31210, OpaqueJSValue * thisObject=0x00000000, OpaqueJSString * sourceURL=0x00000000, int startingLineNumber=1, const OpaqueJSValue * * exception=0x0012fe84) Line 54 + 0x3c bytes C++ testapi_debug.exe!main(int argc=1, char * * argv=0x00e0a9a8) Line 1122 + 0x1f bytes C++ testapi_debug.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 597 + 0x19 bytes C testapi_debug.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 414 C kernel32.dll!_BaseProcessStart@4() + 0x23 bytes
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Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 1
2009-03-26 14:20:20 PDT
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 2
2009-08-13 08:20:19 PDT
This seems to have been fixed at some point. Looks like we can start running testapi on Windows now!
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