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Intl.Locale.prototype.hourCycles leaks empty JSValue to script
Intl.Locale.prototype.hourCycles leaks empty JSValue to script
Samuel Groß
2022-11-07 01:13:58 PST
The following program crashes JSC, both local builds from HEAD and in Safari 16.1 function main() { const v24 = new Intl.Locale("trimEnd", { 'numberingSystem': "foobar" }); let empty = v24.hourCycles; print(empty); // use console.log in Safari } main(); The issue seems to be that the intlLocalePrototypeGetterHourCycles function [1] doesn't check that the return value of `locale->hourCycles(globalObject))` isn't nullptr and so may end up leaking the empty JSValue to script. I'm not sure if this can be abused to cause memory corruption. The empty JSValue is used for a few internal things, for example to indicate holes in Arrays (so if the leaked empty value is assigned to an array element, that will now appear as a hole) or to signal failure cases in C++ code [2]. As such, it may be possible to confuse some other code with this empty value, but I couldn't find an obvious case where this would then cause memory corruption. [1]
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Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1
2022-11-07 01:14:12 PST
Darin Adler
Comment 2
2022-11-07 08:48:57 PST
Looking at IntlLocale::hourCycles and other functions in the file I see that not only do they return nullptr, but they do so without using the RELEASE_AND_RETURN macro. I think that is also incorrect. There are three options here for behavior for these cases returning nullptr: 1) Raise a JavaScript exception. In that case the return value doesn't matter and an empty value would be OK. 2) Return a JavaScript undefined. 3) Return a JavaScript null. Not sure whether we should fix this in the bindings or in the IntlLocale class itself.
Darin Adler
Comment 3
2022-11-07 08:50:38 PST
OK, I studied this more closely. The other places that return nullptr are doing fine because they all raise exceptions. It’s only this one place that has it wrong, when udatpg_open fails. I believe the correct fix is to add this line of code before the "return nullptr": throwTypeError(globalObject, scope, "invalid locale"_s);
Darin Adler
Comment 4
2022-11-07 08:53:50 PST
This code with the mistake was introduced in
bug 227830
David Degazio
Comment 5
2022-11-08 14:48:59 PST
Pull request:
Comment 6
2022-11-08 19:55:46 PST
(86fbeb6fcd63): <
> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #6266 and removing active labels.
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