[Qt] QAction's aren't created / returned for InsertParagraphSeparator and InsertLineSeparator.
Summary [Qt] QAction's aren't created / returned for InsertParagraphSeparator and Ins...
Erik L. Bunce
Reported 2009-03-20 23:20:11 PDT
QWebPage::action() should create and return a QAction object for each QWebPage WebAction. Currently neither InsertParagraphSeparator nor InsertLineSeparator do so.
Fix to make QWebPage::action() return and update InsertParagraphSeparator and InsertLineSeparator. (3.34 KB, patch)
2009-03-20 23:25 PDT, Erik L. Bunce
hausmann: review+
Erik L. Bunce
Comment 1 2009-03-20 23:25:53 PDT
Created attachment 28819 [details] Fix to make QWebPage::action() return and update InsertParagraphSeparator and InsertLineSeparator.
Simon Hausmann
Comment 2 2009-03-26 02:11:13 PDT
Comment on attachment 28819 [details] Fix to make QWebPage::action() return and update InsertParagraphSeparator and InsertLineSeparator. Looks good to me. Only the indentation in the ChangeLog needs to be fixed when landing :)
Ariya Hidayat
Comment 3 2009-03-26 04:48:35 PDT
Landed in r42000.
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