Mac MiniBrowser should match Safari's behavior for anchor links to javascript URLs
Summary Mac MiniBrowser should match Safari's behavior for anchor links to javascript...
Ryan Reno
Reported 2022-10-24 09:12:08 PDT
Mac MiniBrowser attempts to download a javascript URL when navigating to a new top level browsing context. In other words, when attempting to open a popup to a Javascript URL (e.g. with a target=_blank anchor element) MiniBrowser tries to download the resulting javascript execution as a plain text file. Mac MiniBrowser should match Safari's behavior of cancelling the navigation.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2022-10-24 09:12:23 PDT
Ryan Reno
Comment 2 2022-10-24 09:27:56 PDT
Comment 3 2022-10-24 09:52:43 PDT
Committed 255918@main (61e2b7c76840): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #5709 and removing active labels.
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