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AX: VoiceOver splits words when a span is used in paragraph text
AX: VoiceOver splits words when a span is used in paragraph text
Martin Jones
2022-10-14 08:32:14 PDT
attachment 462990
Video of VoiceOver demonstration Overview Load the HTML page attached and use the VO (control+option) + A shortcut to instruct VoiceOver to read out the content with Safari Version 16.0 (17614., 17614) Minimal test case A minimal test case is attached Expected result Each word in the paragraph is read out in full Actual result Depending on the placement of the span tag and the number of characters it contains, you will get a different result, the attached video demonstrates this. It does seem possible to predict the actual result based on the placement of the span tag and the number of characters it contains, for example: When the span content is at the end, the beginning of the sentence is impacted: `<p>Paragraph text with span content at the end<span>?</span></p>` VoiceOver will read out "P aragraph text with content at the end ?" The number of characters in the span element will impact what is read out by VoiceOver. `<p>Paragraph text with span content at the end<span>???</span></p>` VoiceOver will read out "Par agraph text with content at the end ???" When the span content is at the beginning, the end of the sentence is impacted: `<p><span>...</span>Paragraph text with span content at the beginning</p>` VoiceOver will read out "... Paragraph text with span content at the begin ning"
Video of VoiceOver demonstration
(1.45 MB, video/quicktime)
2022-10-14 08:32 PDT
Martin Jones
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Minimal HTML used for the video demo
(669 bytes, text/html)
2022-10-14 08:34 PDT
Martin Jones
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Comment 1
2022-10-14 08:32:29 PDT
Martin Jones
Comment 2
2022-10-14 08:34:18 PDT
attachment 462991
Minimal HTML used for the video demo
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