AX: The isolated tree doesn't update in response to HTMLOptionElement::setSelectedState changes
Summary AX: The isolated tree doesn't update in response to HTMLOptionElement::setSel...
Tyler Wilcock
Reported 2022-10-05 23:42:45 PDT
AX: The isolated tree doesn't update in response to HTMLOptionElement::setSelectedState changes
Patch (17.12 KB, patch)
2022-10-05 23:52 PDT, Tyler Wilcock
no flags
Patch (17.42 KB, patch)
2022-10-06 11:59 PDT, Tyler Wilcock
no flags
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2022-10-05 23:42:56 PDT
Tyler Wilcock
Comment 2 2022-10-05 23:52:12 PDT
Andres Gonzalez
Comment 3 2022-10-06 07:14:28 PDT
(In reply to Tyler Wilcock from comment #2) > Created attachment 462829 [details] > Patch --- a/Source/WebCore/accessibility/AXObjectCache.cpp +++ a/Source/WebCore/accessibility/AXObjectCache.cpp +bool isARIATableCell(Node* node) Make it a static function like isSimpleImage. --- a/Source/WebCore/accessibility/AXObjectCache.h +++ a/Source/WebCore/accessibility/AXObjectCache.h + void selectedStateChanged(Node*); Rename to onSelectedStateChange. --- a/Source/WebCore/accessibility/ios/ +++ a/Source/WebCore/accessibility/ios/ - if (notificationName.isNull()) + if (notificationName.isNull() || (notificationName == SelectedCellsChangedNotificationName && !isARIATableCell(object->node()))) return; Why do we want to suppress this notification here? If we don't want an iOS client to react to it, we should ignore it closer to the client, maybe in the system bundle. --- a/Source/WebCore/accessibility/mac/ +++ a/Source/WebCore/accessibility/mac/ case AXSelectedStateChanged: - macNotification = NSAccessibilitySelectedCellsChangedNotification; - break; + if (isARIATableCell(object->node())) { + macNotification = NSAccessibilitySelectedCellsChangedNotification; + break; + } + return; If we want to distinguish SelectedState from SelectedCells for table cells, we should add a new AXSelectedCellsChanged, so that we shouldn't need to call isARIATableCell(object->node()) here.
Tyler Wilcock
Comment 4 2022-10-06 11:59:34 PDT
Comment 5 2022-10-07 10:44:38 PDT
Committed 255279@main (1aa25b42a5eb): <> All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug and clearing flags on attachment 462843 [details].
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