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class/struct mixup in forward declarations
class/struct mixup in forward declarations
Norbert Leser
2009-03-11 19:28:21 PDT
There are several class/struct mix-ups in forward declarations. Symbian compilers (i.e., the linkers) fail with unresolved references. Proposed solution is to fix the wrong qualifier in the respective implementation files. See attached patch.
Proposed fix for bug 24538
(4.39 KB, patch)
2009-03-11 19:29 PDT
Norbert Leser
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Revised patch for bug 24538
(4.93 KB, patch)
2009-05-11 14:43 PDT
Norbert Leser
: review+
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Norbert Leser
Comment 1
2009-03-11 19:29:00 PDT
attachment 28514
Proposed fix for
bug 24538
Mark Rowe (bdash)
Comment 2
2009-03-11 19:35:04 PDT
Comment on
attachment 28514
Proposed fix for
bug 24538
The ResourceRequest change isn't obviously correct, as ResourceRequest is declared as a struct on some platforms, but class on others. That should probably be made consistent as there's a chance that changing it from class to struct will break other platform's builds.
Norbert Leser
Comment 3
2009-03-13 10:45:31 PDT
(In reply to
comment #2
> (From update of
attachment 28514
[review]) > The ResourceRequest change isn't obviously correct, as ResourceRequest is > declared as a struct on some platforms, but class on others. That should > probably be made consistent as there's a chance that changing it from class to > struct will break other platform's builds. >
I understand that this could potentially be an issue with other platforms. However, apparently it is not, because ResourceRequest is forward declared both as class and as struct across WebCore (e.g., xml/XMLHttpRequest.h, network/ResourceHandleClient.h, ... use struct). There are only 2 non-platform specific places where it is declared as "class". I suggest to make it consistent throughout WebCore. -- One place is in loader/appcache/ApplicationCache.h, as proposed in my patch. -- The 2nd place is wml/WMLGoElement.h. That's not included in my patch because I don't have the means of regression testing that code path. Still, if you can verify that, it would be cleaner to also make that change.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 4
2009-05-11 05:55:25 PDT
Comment on
attachment 28514
Proposed fix for
bug 24538
Is this still a problem? Most of these get fixed rather quickly as these are errors on windows...
Norbert Leser
Comment 5
2009-05-11 14:43:00 PDT
attachment 30204
Revised patch for
bug 24538
As response to Eric's question: Yes, the reported issue still exists in multiple places. The attached patch is an update, based on current code (rev 43416).
Darin Adler
Comment 6
2009-05-11 17:01:36 PDT
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