NEW 244191
[DFG] Usekind of input is lifted before print function
Summary [DFG] Usekind of input is lifted before print function
Yue Sun
Reported 2022-08-22 02:42:32 PDT
path/to/jsc test.js --useConcurrentJIT=0 --forceWeakRandomSeed=1 --useFTLJIT=0 --jitPolicyScale=0 path/to/jsc test.js --useConcurrentJIT=0 --forceWeakRandomSeed=1 --jitPolicyScale=0.01 function bar(a, b) { try { return a; } finally { print(b) b--; } a /= b; } function test_context() { function foo(x) { return 42; } var s, t; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { bar(t = foo(i) ? bar(42 + i - i) : bar(0), s = i + t); } return s; } test_context(); We ran the script with command line options above. In function bar(), variable b have a arithsub after print function. It would have problem if b is undefined, since Low Level Interpreter would first print "undefined" then sub 1 to get NaN, while DFG would transfer undefined to number and print "NaN".
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2022-08-29 02:43:16 PDT
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