Form Submit incorrect query
Summary Form Submit incorrect query
Ahmad Saleem
Reported 2022-08-05 10:57:28 PDT
Hi Team, Another test case from Chrome bug repository where Safari 15.6 is behaving differently compared to other browsers. Test Case - Chrome Bug - Chrome Commit - ____ *** STEPS TO REPRODUCE *** 1) Go to JSFiddle Test Case 2) "Submit" - when the field has AAA in it << ACTUAL RESULT >> Upon Submit, it will open new web page with Google in search of "BBB" << EXPECTED RESULT >> Upon Submit, it will open new web page with Google in search of "AAA" _______ Both other browsers, show "AAA" as search term upon "submit" and then on return, show value "BBB" in the field. Chrome Canary 106 gives error on new page as below: is refused to connect. ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE Might be cross-origin request block but Firefox Nightly 105 navigates to Google with search term "AAA" rather than "BBB". _____ Appreciate if this can be fixed and aligned with other browsers. Thanks!
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2022-08-12 10:58:18 PDT
Anne van Kesteren
Comment 3 2024-09-19 10:37:23 PDT
Related to bug 13012 perhaps?
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 4 2024-09-19 10:48:14 PDT
(In reply to Anne van Kesteren from comment #3) > Related to bug 13012 perhaps? There is open PR here to fix WPT test - (against this bug)
Comment 5 2024-10-20 21:42:48 PDT
Committed 285498@main (b1875e2b51b3): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #30734 and removing active labels.
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