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Add test for potential crash in window.frames.length
Add test for potential crash in window.frames.length
Pam Greene (IRC:pamg)
2009-03-03 17:27:54 PST
Test to make sure that window.frames.length does not crash the browser after the frame navigates away from the original page.
New test + result
(1.77 KB, patch)
2009-03-03 17:39 PST
Pam Greene (IRC:pamg)
: review+
Formatted Diff
New test + result, no form submission
(2.21 KB, patch)
2009-03-04 15:43 PST
Pam Greene (IRC:pamg)
: review+
Formatted Diff
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Pam Greene (IRC:pamg)
Comment 1
2009-03-03 17:39:29 PST
attachment 28250
New test + result This test is not well suited to the JS test framework.
Darin Fisher (:fishd, Google)
Comment 2
2009-03-03 23:28:41 PST
Comment on
attachment 28250
New test + result
>Index: fast/dom/window-collection-length-no-crash.html >=================================================================== >--- fast/dom/window-collection-length-no-crash.html (revision 0) >+++ fast/dom/window-collection-length-no-crash.html (revision 0) >@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ >+<HTML> >+<script> >+if (window.layoutTestController) { >+ window.layoutTestController.dumpAsText(); >+ window.layoutTestController.waitUntilDone(); >+} >+ >+function run_test() {
nit: run_test -> runTest otherwise, LGTM
Darin Fisher (:fishd, Google)
Comment 3
2009-03-03 23:29:52 PST
hmm, however... shouldn't this live in fast/dom/Window?
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 4
2009-03-04 00:34:37 PST
Why is this a potential crash? My understanding is form.submit() does nothing until script execution finishes.
Pam Greene (IRC:pamg)
Comment 5
2009-03-04 15:43:59 PST
attachment 28289
New test + result, no form submission (In reply to
comment #4
> Why is this a potential crash? My understanding is form.submit() does nothing > until script execution finishes.
I can't easily confirm either way, since the original of this test was created for a bug Chromium had a long time ago. But here's one that sidesteps the form submission question, and is more closely related to the original compatibility problem as well.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 6
2009-03-05 00:08:29 PST
Comment on
attachment 28289
New test + result, no form submission
> +<iframe id="subframe"><p id="contents">Subframe</p></iframe>
This paragraph will be ignored - did you intend to do src='data:text/html,<p id="contents">Subframe</p>'? But in this case, the test would probably need to run from an onload handler, as data: URL loading is async. r=me either way.
Pam Greene (IRC:pamg)
Comment 7
2009-03-05 14:04:52 PST
(In reply to
comment #6
> (From update of
attachment 28289
[review]) > > +<iframe id="subframe"><p id="contents">Subframe</p></iframe> > > This paragraph will be ignored
Good catch. I took that from the original reduced test case in our (Chromium's) old bug, but it shouldn't be doing anything. Probably it just never got reduced out of the failing third-party webpage. I'll drop it.
Pam Greene (IRC:pamg)
Comment 8
2009-03-05 14:12:16 PST
landed in
Pam Greene (IRC:pamg)
Comment 9
2009-03-11 14:18:30 PDT
Landed again in
, since I neglected to include the test and result files last time. It sure was a nice ChangeLog patch, though.
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