RESOLVED WORKSFORME 242069 cached an incorrect identifier
Summary cached an incorrect identifier
Alexey Proskuryakov
Reported 2022-06-28 11:02:57 PDT
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2022-06-28 11:03:17 PDT
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 2 2022-06-28 11:05:39 PDT
Also PRs are landing with the wrong canonical links:
Jonathan Bedard
Comment 3 2022-06-28 11:14:29 PDT
The canonical link is right, was off-by-one incorrectly redirecting. That's a less serious problem than Commit-Queue getting this wrong (because fixing it doesn't require force-pushing), but it's still a big issue.
Jonathan Bedard
Comment 4 2023-05-02 08:09:03 PDT
I haven't seen this issue in a few months. I made some changes to how we manage our identifier cache early this year (257251@main and 257145@main) that might have addressed the problem
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