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add an option to `git webkit pr` to customize the name of the branch when on `main`
add an option to `git webkit pr` to customize the name of the branch when on ...
Devin Rousso
2022-06-24 12:29:21 PDT
ideally it'd be nice to have the name of the branch come from the bugzilla (or radar) number, that way there's no chance of conflict and it's much easier to read (instead of some super long thing based on the name of the bug) my current workflow is: 1. create bugzilla bug 2. `git checkout -b eng/{bugzilla bug ID}` 3. `git commit -a` 4. `git webkit pr` but it would be super nice to skip steps 1-3 but just `git webkit pr` when on `main` (and have it use a sane branch name)
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Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1
2022-06-24 12:29:33 PDT
Jonathan Bedard
Comment 2
2022-06-28 09:18:39 PDT
Am I understanding the request here to essentially be: "Let me use the bug number by default instead of the bug title as the branch name"?
Devin Rousso
Comment 3
2022-06-28 10:46:22 PDT
yeah that would be one way to put it ideally anything other than the bug title as the branch name 😅
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