NEW 241461
scroll-snap with padding-right
Summary scroll-snap with padding-right
Leon Radley
Reported 2022-06-09 05:42:24 PDT
Created attachment 460129 [details] An example image of the demo I wanted to build a card side scroll where only one card is visible at a time. I wanted the active card to always be centered, so I added some padding to the scroll snap container to force the first and last cards to get centered. This works in chrome. In safari (tested in both mac, ios, ipad) the padding-right is ignored, so the last card does not get centered. but the padding-left works and the first card gets centered. could it be that the padding-right is not getting included when the container is set to be a scroll snap container? Here you can find a demo showcasing the bug
An example image of the demo (7.75 KB, image/png)
2022-06-09 05:42 PDT, Leon Radley
no flags
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2022-06-16 05:43:12 PDT
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