Bug 240656 - AX: VoiceOver skips button when SVG has no img role
Summary: AX: VoiceOver skips button when SVG has no img role
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: WebKit
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Accessibility (show other bugs)
Version: Safari 15
Hardware: Mac (Apple Silicon) iOS 15
: P2 Normal
Assignee: Nobody
Keywords: InRadar
Depends on:
Reported: 2022-05-19 08:44 PDT by Stephen Tang
Modified: 2022-05-19 08:44 PDT (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Stephen Tang 2022-05-19 08:44:06 PDT
When a button has a SVG image within without role img, VoiceOver on MacOS do not include the button in the reading order (using Arrow keys).

The button can only be focused using Tab key.

In order to resolve this, the SVG needs to be given a role img. 

<button aria-label="test label">
  <svg focusable="false" aria-hidden="true" role="img">...</svg>

Otherwise, the button can only be focused using Tab key and not when reading the page using Arrow keys.
Comment 1 Radar WebKit Bug Importer 2022-05-19 08:44:13 PDT