[Merge-Queue] Merge queue should add link to pull request
Summary [Merge-Queue] Merge queue should add link to pull request
Michael Catanzaro
Reported 2022-05-18 05:31:55 PDT
When landing a commit via a GitHub pull request, merge-queue should append a link to the pull request to the commit so that we can easily reference the pull request from the commit. This will become important once we no longer require bugs on WebKit Bugzilla.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2022-05-25 05:32:14 PDT
Jonathan Bedard
Comment 2 2022-06-29 12:46:50 PDT
Is this needed because GitHub automatically does this for us? In a post-bugzilla world, our bugzilla links would become GitHub issue links.
Michael Catanzaro
Comment 3 2022-06-29 12:55:05 PDT
You're right. Not needed.
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