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Need to simplify nested if's in WorkerRunLoop::runInMode
Need to simplify nested if's in WorkerRunLoop::runInMode
David Levin
2009-02-19 17:16:55 PST
As part of this, it would be nice to also remove duplicate code in MessageQueue and add a method waitForMessageFilteredWithTimeout.
Proposed fix.
(9.43 KB, patch)
2009-02-20 07:56 PST
David Levin
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(10.28 KB, patch)
2009-02-20 15:33 PST
David Levin
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David Levin
Comment 1
2009-02-20 07:56:21 PST
attachment 27829
Proposed fix.
David Levin
Comment 2
2009-02-20 07:58:53 PST
This doesn't fire timers in nested loops but as I get to the point of testing that, this change should make it very easy to change that behavior as needed.
Dmitry Titov
Comment 3
2009-02-20 11:13:34 PST
As discussed on irc, the overflow check in ThreadingWin and ThreadingQt that protects from double overflow could be merged with the subsequent check that protects from int overlflow so there is only one check, something like: // Overflow protection if (absoluteTime > currentTime + static_cast<double>(INT_MAX) / 1000.0) { wait(mutex); return true; } ThreadingPthread and ThreadingGtk are fine as is since they don't put milliseconds in an int.
David Levin
Comment 4
2009-02-20 15:33:53 PST
attachment 27840
Proposed fix. Addressed dimich's feedback.
David Levin
Comment 5
2009-02-20 15:35:41 PST
The changelog shows up in the middle of other changes. I'll move it to the top before checking in.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 6
2009-02-23 05:49:26 PST
Comment on
attachment 27840
Proposed fix.
> + inline MessageQueueWaitResult MessageQueue<DataType>::waitForMessageFilteredWithTimeout(DataType& result, Predicate& predicate, double absoluteTime) > { > - MutexLocker lock(m_mutex); > + bool allowTimeOut = absoluteTime != infiniteTime();
Inconsistent naming here: "timeout" is a word, so it should be allowTimeout or allowToTimeOut.
> bool timedOut = false;
This one is fine.
> + while (!m_killed && !timedOut && (found = m_queue.findIf(predicate)) == m_queue.end())
There are two spaces before &&.
> + timedOut = !m_condition.timedWait(m_mutex, absoluteTime) && allowTimeOut;
This looks suspicious. Can timedWait() return false for other reasons? If it can, is the problem limited to cases where allowTimeOut is false?
> + // Time is too far in the future (and would overflow int) - wait forever. > + if (absoluteTime - currentTime > static_cast<double>(INT_MAX) / 1000.0) { > + wait(mutex); > + return true; > + } > > + double intervalMilliseconds = (absoluteTime - currentTime) * 1000.0;
Isn't this subject to rounding errors? I don't see what guarantees that intervalMilliseconds won't overflow when converted to unsigned long.
> + double absoluteTime = predicate.isDefaultMode() && m_sharedTimer->isActive() ? m_sharedTimer->fireTime() : MessageQueue<RefPtr<Task> >::infiniteTime();
I think that parentheses around the ?: predicate would help readability. r=me, but please consider the comments.
David Levin
Comment 7
2009-02-24 01:14:52 PST
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