NEW 239562
CSS typed om serialization should use an allocated stack instead of recursion
Summary CSS typed om serialization should use an allocated stack instead of recursion
Alex Christensen
Reported 2022-04-20 13:33:06 PDT
CSS typed om serialization should use an allocated stack instead of recursion
Patch (43.15 KB, patch)
2022-04-20 13:33 PDT, Alex Christensen
no flags
Patch (43.52 KB, patch)
2022-04-20 15:07 PDT, Alex Christensen
no flags
Patch (45.78 KB, patch)
2022-05-13 12:56 PDT, Alex Christensen
no flags
Patch (45.09 KB, patch)
2022-05-18 09:10 PDT, Alex Christensen
achristensen: review?
ews-feeder: commit-queue-
Alex Christensen
Comment 1 2022-04-20 13:33:52 PDT
EWS Watchlist
Comment 2 2022-04-20 13:36:31 PDT
This patch modifies the imported WPT tests. Please ensure that any changes on the tests (not coming from a WPT import) are exported to WPT. Please see
Alex Christensen
Comment 3 2022-04-20 13:43:43 PDT
Filed to notify Chrome they have the same bug.
Sam Weinig
Comment 4 2022-04-20 14:39:48 PDT
Comment on attachment 458009 [details] Patch View in context: > Source/WebCore/css/typedom/numeric/CSSMathInvert.cpp:79 > + RunLoop::current().dispatch([m_value = WTFMove(m_value)] { }); What's this about? If this is really necessary, it seems like it deserves a meaty comment.
Alex Christensen
Comment 5 2022-04-20 14:59:35 PDT
If we don't do that, then we get a similar stack overflow crash in the destructors which call each other. Will add comment.
Alex Christensen
Comment 6 2022-04-20 15:07:06 PDT
Alex Christensen
Comment 7 2022-04-22 13:15:31 PDT
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 8 2022-04-27 13:34:12 PDT
Alex Christensen
Comment 9 2022-05-13 12:56:01 PDT
Alex Christensen
Comment 10 2022-05-18 09:10:20 PDT
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