Make sure to end any pending AudioSession interruption when activating it
Summary Make sure to end any pending AudioSession interruption when activating it
youenn fablet
Reported 2022-03-09 06:44:44 PST
Make sure to end any pending AudioSession interruption when activating it
Patch (8.32 KB, patch)
2022-03-09 06:50 PST, youenn fablet
no flags
youenn fablet
Comment 1 2022-03-09 06:45:04 PST
youenn fablet
Comment 2 2022-03-09 06:50:14 PST
youenn fablet
Comment 3 2022-03-09 07:00:31 PST
This solves the reported issue but does not solve the general problem. Say we do the following: - capture microphone (which activates the audio session), then stop capture microphone (without deactivating the audio session since we would have a remaining element). - receive the interruption from AudioSession after a few minutes - capture camera and try to autoplay it. It would fail (until we for instance capture microphone again). Maybe we should do some additional things like: - Deactivate the audio session when we are doing nothing with it (which will remove the interruption in most cases). - Add special treatment to AudioSession interruptions. It seems odd that muted video would not autoplay due to an AudioSession ongoing interruption.
youenn fablet
Comment 4 2022-03-09 08:52:25 PST
*** Bug 237653 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 2022-03-15 00:29:56 PDT
Committed r291268 (248417@main): <> All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug and clearing flags on attachment 454233 [details].
Brent Fulgham
Comment 6 2022-06-23 16:53:30 PDT
*** Bug 239927 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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