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ImageBuffer::toDataURL not implemented for Skia
ImageBuffer::toDataURL not implemented for Skia
Scott Violet
2009-02-02 11:29:21 PST
At a minimum Skia should support PNG conversion.
Fix for 23687
(10.65 KB, patch)
2009-02-02 11:34 PST
Scott Violet
: review-
Formatted Diff
Fix for 23687
(11.47 KB, patch)
2009-02-02 12:35 PST
Scott Violet
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Fix for 23687
(11.48 KB, text/plain)
2009-02-02 12:59 PST
Scott Violet
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Fix for 23687
(11.51 KB, patch)
2009-02-02 14:04 PST
Scott Violet
: review-
Formatted Diff
Fix for 23687
(11.52 KB, patch)
2009-02-02 16:25 PST
Scott Violet
: review+
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Scott Violet
Comment 1
2009-02-02 11:34:16 PST
attachment 27250
Fix for 23687
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 2
2009-02-02 11:50:07 PST
Comment on
attachment 27250
Fix for 23687 The chromium license headers make little sense in the WebKit tree. Also, the code from Mozilla is in Google style, not WebKIt style (at least in function naming), and it seems it's so litlte code we should just fix the style.
Scott Violet
Comment 3
2009-02-02 12:33:23 PST
Bug 23692
has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Scott Violet
Comment 4
2009-02-02 12:35:41 PST
attachment 27254
Fix for 23687 Converts names to WebKit style and fixes license.
Darin Fisher (:fishd, Google)
Comment 5
2009-02-02 12:41:53 PST
Comment on
attachment 27254
Fix for 23687 some drive-by comments...
>Index: WebCore/platform/graphics/skia/ImageBufferSkia.cpp
>+ WTF::Vector<unsigned char> pngEncodedData;
It is more common to not specify the WTF:: namespace. There is a using WTF::Vector at the bottom of Vector.h.
>Index: WebCore/platform/image-encoders/skia/PNGImageEncoder.cpp
>+/* >+* Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Google Inc. All rights reserved. >+*
nit: comment block needs to be indented by one space needs #include "config.h" at the top.
>+ >+#include "PNGImageEncoder.h" >+#include "Vector.h"
>+namespace WebCore { >+ >+namespace {
nit: the convention in webcore seems to be to use the 'static' keyword instead of anonymous namespaces.
>+ >+// Converts BGRA->RGBA and RGBA->BGRA. >+void convertBetweenBGRAandRGBA(const unsigned char* input, int pixel_width,
so this would stay in the WebCore namespace but be given a 'static' keyword
>+namespace { >+ >+// Passed around as the io_ptr in the png structs so our callbacks know where >+// to write data. >+struct PngEncoderState {
and then for structs like this they just put them in the WebCore namespace. since you have the Png prefix, you shouldn't have to worry about name conflicts.
>Index: WebCore/platform/image-encoders/skia/PNGImageEncoder.h
>+/* >+* Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Google Inc. All rights reserved. >+*
nit: needs another space of indent
>+}; // namespace WebCore
nit: extraneous ';' at close of namespace
Scott Violet
Comment 6
2009-02-02 12:59:13 PST
attachment 27256
Fix for 23687 Incorporates changes from Darin.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 7
2009-02-02 13:03:22 PST
Comment on
attachment 27254
Fix for 23687 pixel_width should be pixelWidth Since we seem to use PNGFoo we should use: PngEncoderState PNGEncoderState int w, int h should be int width int height, or even better an IntSize. New functions generally use the IntSize/IntPoint types, we've been slowly converting the old ones over. If it doesn't make sense for this function to use IntSize, that's fine, but I figured it should at least be mentioned. (Skia doesn't spit out IntSize objects, so it's probably easiest to keep using separate ints for Skia.) Likewise bytes_per_row bytesPerRow We should give these good names: 99 png_struct** m_ps; 100 png_info** m_pi; m_pngStruct; m_pngInfo; would be more clear, even though the original libpng type names are pretty useless to begin with. WebKit uses 0 instead of NULL: 127 void (*converter)(const unsigned char* in, int w, unsigned char* out) = NULL; Seems silly to have a converter local variable, instead of just using convertBetweenBGRAandRGBA in the one place it's actually needed. If ints are not required by libpng (which they may be), you might consider using size_t or unsigned for these width/height values (unless you need a special -1 value?) this is in general pretty gnarly code. But that seems to be libpng's fault rather than yours. I'd like to see a final version of this patch, but otherwise this looks sane enough.
Scott Violet
Comment 8
2009-02-02 14:04:13 PST
attachment 27259
Fix for 23687 Addresses issues raised in last round. I went with IntSize.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 9
2009-02-02 15:30:10 PST
Comment on
attachment 27259
Fix for 23687 46 static void convertBetweenBGRAandRGBA(const unsigned char* input, int pixelWidth, Having read the rest of your code, I understand what pixelWidth means, but I think numberOfPixels would be clearer in the local context of that function. Still has WTF::, which can be removed per darin's comment. PngWriteStructDestroyer should be PNGWriteStructDestroyer to match PNGImageEncoder likewise PngEncoderState should be PNGEncoderState You could actually use an OwnArrayPtr here: 162 unsigned char* row = new unsigned char[imageSize.width() * outputColorComponents]; OwnArrayPtr<unsigned char> rowPixels(new unsigned char[width * height]); I'm not sure it's super-useful here, but it does save you the delete[] at the end (which is more useful when there is lots of code in between the initialization and the delete). Thanks for all your corrections. I'm ready to land this for you after this last round of nits.
Scott Violet
Comment 10
2009-02-02 16:25:47 PST
attachment 27265
Fix for 23687
Dimitri Glazkov (Google)
Comment 11
2009-02-05 09:12:54 PST
Eric, if you r+, I'll land.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 12
2009-02-05 13:05:32 PST
Comment on
attachment 27265
Fix for 23687 Looks good. Thanks.
Darin Fisher (:fishd, Google)
Comment 13
2009-02-10 00:23:04 PST
Looks like this patch was landed:
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