LayoutTests/fast/dom/Window/timeout-released-on-close.html fails intermittently on buildbots
Summary LayoutTests/fast/dom/Window/timeout-released-on-close.html fails intermittent...
Dmitry Titov
Reported 2009-01-30 10:44:02 PST
Example: Disabling the test for now, need more time to look into the possible cause.
Disable test for now (6.36 KB, patch)
2009-01-30 10:49 PST, Dmitry Titov
darin: review+
Dmitry Titov
Comment 1 2009-01-30 10:49:40 PST
Created attachment 27188 [details] Disable test for now
Darin Adler
Comment 2 2009-01-30 11:22:05 PST
Comment on attachment 27188 [details] Disable test for now When did this one start failing?
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 3 2009-01-30 11:40:34 PST
My understanding is that it was randomly failing on buildbot since introduction (r39131), and today's attempt to improve things (r40405) made them worse.
Dmitry Titov
Comment 4 2009-01-30 11:49:29 PST
Alexey is right. Today's failyres also gave me some debug info (it's not a threashold thing as I was thinking, the whole document sometimes is not released apparently) so I need a bit more time now to think what can be wrong. I also will try to find ppc machine to run it on (I only saw it failing on ppc)
Darin Adler
Comment 5 2009-01-30 11:53:48 PST
Comment on attachment 27188 [details] Disable test for now Given that this has never consistently passed, then r=me on disabling it until we can make it work reliably.
Dmitry Titov
Comment 6 2009-01-30 12:52:44 PST
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