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Accessing `window.frameElement` should not report error if parent is cross-origin
Accessing `window.frameElement` should not report error if parent is cross-or...
Robert Knight
2022-01-31 08:37:06 PST
Calling `window.frameElement` from an iframe with a cross-origin parent returns `null` in Chrome, Firefox and Safari. In Safari it additionally results in a console error with the text "Blocked a frame with origin $IFRAME_ORIGIN from accessing a frame with origin $PARENT_ORIGIN. Protocols, domains and ports must match." In Chrome/Firefox no such error is reported. The specification [1] just says that the access should return null in this situation, it doesn't mention this access being an error. It looks like this may relate to a standards change described in
. We came across this as our application had code that checked for null-ness of `window.frameElement` and then executed different code depending on whether the child frame can reach into the parent or not. Both cases are regarded as non-error scenarios in our context. [1]
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Sam Sneddon [:gsnedders]
Comment 1
2022-01-31 09:53:41 PST
Note this is only a message in the console; window.frameElement does return null in the cross-origin case as far as I can tell. There's nothing standardised about what does and doesn't get put in the console (as errors, warnings, or in any other form). I _believe_ (but I'm not totally sure!) that the current WebKit behaviour is to log in the console for any blocked cross-origin access. Do you think that logging when no exception is thrown is confusing, or that logging an error when no exception is thrown is confusing? (
covers this case, and we indeed pass all the tests.)
Robert Knight
Comment 2
2022-01-31 23:16:01 PST
I acknowledge the standard doesn't say anything about what gets logged in the browser console. I found it confusing though that a console error was logged even though no exception occurred and the code triggering the error was not doing something that the specs/MDN docs indicated as being deprecated or bad practice. The code in question looks something like: ``` if (window.frameElement) { // Execute some logic that makes use of information about the iframe // containing this document. } else { // Fallback for cross-origin case. } ``` While looking at this I found we also have some code that triggers the same error but from the other side, using the `iframe.contentDocument` property to test whether an iframe is same-origin.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 3
2022-02-07 08:38:19 PST
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