Generated xcfilelists contain symlinks when building for macOS
Summary Generated xcfilelists contain symlinks when building for macOS
Elliott Williams
Reported 2022-01-26 12:10:37 PST
Our “Derived Sources” targets declare their input files through an automatically generated xcfilelist. (The filelist is created by examining Make’s database, and it “discovers” dependencies used to generate derived sources in a successful build.) These filelists may refer to headers from other targets. For example, here’s a generated xcfilelist with dependencies on scripts copied to WebCore’s private headers directory: > cat Tools/WebKitTestRunner/DerivedSources-input.xcfilelist | tail $(PROJECT_DIR)/InjectedBundle/Bindings/ $(PROJECT_DIR)/InjectedBundle/Bindings/EventSendingController.idl $(PROJECT_DIR)/InjectedBundle/Bindings/GCController.idl $(PROJECT_DIR)/InjectedBundle/Bindings/TestRunner.idl $(PROJECT_DIR)/InjectedBundle/Bindings/TextInputController.idl $(PROJECT_DIR)/Scripts/PreferencesTemplates/TestOptionsGeneratedKeys.h.erb $(WEBCORE_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR)/ $(WEBCORE_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR)/IDLAttributes.json $(WEBCORE_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR)/ $(WEBCORE_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR)/ At build time, $(WEBCORE_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR) is expanded like: Tools/WebKitTestRunner/Configurations/Base.xcconfig 112:WEBCORE_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR = $(WEBCORE_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR_$(CONFIGURATION)); 113:WEBCORE_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR_Release = $(WEBCORE_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR_engineering); 114:WEBCORE_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR_Debug = $(WEBCORE_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR_engineering); 115:WEBCORE_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR_Production = $(PRODUCTION_FRAMEWORKS_DIR)/WebCore.framework/PrivateHeaders; 116:WEBCORE_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR_engineering = $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/WebCore.framework/PrivateHeaders; The problem is that `WebCore.framework/PrivateHeaders` is a symlink to `WebCore.framework/Versions/A/PrivateHeaders` when building for macOS. XCBuild doesn’t appear to resolve symlinks, so it can’t find a task which produces the depended-on files, and the downstream target fails to build.
Patch (25.40 KB, patch)
2022-01-26 12:33 PST, Elliott Williams
no flags
Patch (25.10 KB, patch)
2022-01-26 13:19 PST, Elliott Williams
no flags
Patch (25.41 KB, patch)
2022-01-27 10:26 PST, Elliott Williams
ews-feeder: commit-queue-
Elliott Williams
Comment 1 2022-01-26 12:32:00 PST
Elliott Williams
Comment 2 2022-01-26 12:33:26 PST
Elliott Williams
Comment 3 2022-01-26 13:04:56 PST
Comment on attachment 450057 [details] Patch r-, need to resolve conflicts
Elliott Williams
Comment 4 2022-01-26 13:19:27 PST
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 5 2022-01-26 16:57:35 PST
Comment on attachment 450061 [details] Patch View in context: > Source/WebCore/Configurations/Base.xcconfig:152 > +WK_VERSIONED_BUNDLE[sdk=macosx*] = Versions/A; I wonder if it would make more sense to name this WK_CONTENT_PATH_IN_FRAMEWORK or something. Also, if you make it "Versions/A/" then you can avoid having "//" in paths in the embedded case.
Elliott Williams
Comment 6 2022-01-26 19:05:47 PST
(In reply to Alexey Proskuryakov from comment #5) > I wonder if it would make more sense to name this > WK_CONTENT_PATH_IN_FRAMEWORK or something. > > Also, if you make it "Versions/A/" then you can avoid having "//" in paths > in the embedded case. Bikeshedding, but would you be ok with WK_FRAMEWORK_VERSION_PREFIX? If I implement the latter suggestion, we end up with declarations like INSTALL_PATH = $(WEBKIT_FRAMEWORKS_DIR)/WebKit.framework/$(WK_FRAMEWORK_VERSION_PREFIX)XPCServices and I feel like "prefix" reassures that we aren't missing a path separator there :)
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 7 2022-01-26 23:45:09 PST
Seems ok to me too. Probably the main aspect to consider is whether similarity in name to WK_INSTALL_PATH_PREFIX makes it harder to think about these. But my proposal has the same problem, colliding with SYSTEM_CONTENT_PATH.
Elliott Williams
Comment 8 2022-01-27 10:26:28 PST
Elliott Williams
Comment 9 2022-01-27 10:28:35 PST
Comment on attachment 450151 [details] Patch This patch renames the variable and implements your feedback; it shouldn't need additional review.
Comment 10 2022-01-27 12:04:17 PST
Committed r288692 (246490@main): <> All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug and clearing flags on attachment 450151 [details].
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