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Allow hit testing of page content without clipping to visible
Allow hit testing of page content without clipping to visible
Adam Treat
2009-01-26 15:46:47 PST
Currently all hit testing clips the test to the visible content of the frame. QWebFrame::hitTestContent should not clip to the visible content, rather it should return the hit test result regardless of the currently visible viewport. This patch adds a simple option that allows performing hit tests without clipping it to the visible viewport.
Don't clip to visible option
(6.13 KB, patch)
2009-01-26 15:48 PST
Adam Treat
: review+
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Fixes bug and also adds test
(7.45 KB, patch)
2009-01-27 06:10 PST
Adam Treat
no flags
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Previous patches + mac export
(8.26 KB, patch)
2009-01-27 09:36 PST
Adam Treat
: review+
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Adam Treat
Comment 1
2009-01-26 15:48:04 PST
attachment 27053
Don't clip to visible option Implements the no clip option for hit tests.
Nikolas Zimmermann
Comment 2
2009-01-26 17:24:23 PST
Comment on
attachment 27053
Don't clip to visible option Patch looks fine, despite the fact that HitTestRequest is so ugly - it should really use enums as flags, instead of a wild series of booleans. It would be great to get that fixed - but that's out of the scope for this patch. r=me. Would you file a bug on HitTestRequest uglyness?
Adam Treat
Comment 3
2009-01-26 19:08:38 PST
Are you thinking of an enum that can be OR'd together to generate the appropriate HitTestRequest? If so I'll come up with a patch... :)
Adam Treat
Comment 4
2009-01-26 22:03:17 PST
Reopened for layout test.
Adam Treat
Comment 5
2009-01-27 06:10:09 PST
attachment 27072
Fixes bug and also adds test Added a test to qwebframe to guard against regression. I don't see a clean way of adding hit testing layout tests, but if anyone can think of a good way let me know.
Adam Treat
Comment 6
2009-01-27 06:11:07 PST
Add Simon
Adam Treat
Comment 7
2009-01-27 06:11:55 PST
Add David Hyatt.
Nikolas Zimmermann
Comment 8
2009-01-27 07:35:18 PST
(In reply to
comment #3
> Are you thinking of an enum that can be OR'd together to generate the > appropriate HitTestRequest? If so I'll come up with a patch... :) >
Yes, exactly.
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 9
2009-01-27 08:42:58 PST
Would using elementFromPoint() be a better way to achieve what you are trying to do here? Maybe it clips to the viewport, and should not? At least it might give you a way to write a LayoutTest without adding code to tst_qwebframe.
Adam Treat
Comment 10
2009-01-27 09:08:54 PST
We could certainly modify elementFromPoint to use a HitTestRequest that does not clip to the viewport and thereby achieve a LayoutTest using JS, however this is a significant behavioral change that I was not sure is correct. The purpose of my patch is to make QWebFrame::hitTestContent method work correctly given its name and purpose. If you like I can modify 'elementFromPoint' accordingly, but are you sure this behavior change is correct and won't break JS DOM API standards?
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 11
2009-01-27 09:18:50 PST
Actually elementFromPoint takes "client" (viewport) coords, so only finds things that are visible. Darn. Please update the patch to include a change to the WebCore.base.exp file for Mac, like: __ZN7WebCore12EventHandler14scrollOverflowENS_15ScrollDirectionENS_17ScrollGranu __ZN7WebCore12EventHandler20handleTextInputEventERKNS_6StringEPNS_5EventEbb -__ZN7WebCore12EventHandler20hitTestResultAtPointERKNS_8IntPointEb +__ZN7WebCore12EventHandler20hitTestResultAtPointERKNS_8IntPointEbb __ZN7WebCore12EventHandler20sendContextMenuEventERKNS_18PlatformMouseEventE and file another bug for the 'bool' cleanup.
Darin Adler
Comment 12
2009-01-27 09:21:40 PST
(In reply to
comment #5
> I don't see a clean way > of adding hit testing layout tests, but if anyone can think of a good way let > me know.
Generally you can make hit testing layout tests with eventSender, ensuring the correct element is hit. But perhaps you mean something different. This may be a fix that only affects some specific Qt API, not the behavior of the browser? I'm not really clear here on what the issue is.
Adam Treat
Comment 13
2009-01-27 09:31:28 PST
Darin, you have it right. The Qt API exposes a hitTestContent method that should return a valid HitTestResult regardless of the current viewport. As such, this patch is intended to fix the behavior of this one specific Qt API method.
Adam Treat
Comment 14
2009-01-27 09:36:08 PST
attachment 27075
Previous patches + mac export Add the mac export line from Simon although I have no way to test if this is correct.
Adam Treat
Comment 15
2009-01-28 08:40:38 PST
Committed with
. I'll open a bug report and make a patch for the bools next.
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