Bug 23544 - The baseline of an 'inline-table' is the baseline of the first row of the table
Summary: The baseline of an 'inline-table' is the baseline of the first row of the table
Alias: None
Product: WebKit
Classification: Unclassified
Component: CSS (show other bugs)
Version: 525.x (Safari 3.2)
Hardware: PC Windows XP
: P2 Normal
Assignee: Nobody
URL: http://www.gtalbot.org/BrowserBugsSec...
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Reported: 2009-01-26 02:16 PST by Gérard Talbot (no longer involved)
Modified: 2015-01-16 15:23 PST (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Gérard Talbot (no longer involved) 2009-01-26 02:16:42 PST
In Safari 3.2 build 525.26.13, the baseline of an 'inline-table' is NOT the baseline of the first row of the table. 
According to CSS 2.1, the baseline of an 'inline-table' should be the baseline of the first row of the table.

Steps to reproduce:
Load provided URL

Expected results:
__Baseline_of_first_row_of_table__ should be vertically aligned with ___text baseline___ on both sides. The underscore characters of the anonymous text nodes should adjoin, should meet, should vertically line up with the underscore characters of the cell of first row of inline-table. 

Actual results in Konqueror 4.1.3 and in Safari 3.2 build 525.26.13:
The margin bottom edge of the inline-table is aligned with ___text baseline___ on both sides. The underscore characters of the anonymous text nodes do not adjoin, do not meet, do not vertically line up with the underscore characters of the cell of first row of inline-table. 

"(...) The baseline of an 'inline-table' is the baseline of the first row of the table."
coming from CSS 2.1, section 10.8.1 Leading and half-leading, vertical-align http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#propdef-vertical-align 

"The 'vertical-align' property of each table cell determines its alignment within the row. (...) The baseline of the cell is put at the same height as the baseline of the first of the rows it spans (...)"
coming from CSS 2.1, section 17.5.3 Table height algorithms 

- Internet Explorer 8 pre-RC1 Partner Build 18344, Firefox 3.0.5, Opera 9.63, Opera 10.0 alpha build 1229 all pass the provided testcase. 
- More advanced or complex tests can be found at Vertical alignment of inline table testpage 
from George Chavchanidze 
- I searched for a DUPLICATE and did not find any
- The component for this bug could have been Layout and Rendering; make change if necessary
- This bug may be dependent on bug 4350 (Implement baseline alignment support for table cells)
- This bug has also been filed for Konqueror at

Regards, Gérard
Comment 2 Robert Hogan 2012-05-24 10:23:12 PDT
This was fixed by bug 84167.
Comment 3 Gérard Talbot (no longer involved) 2015-01-16 15:23:21 PST


fails in Chrome 39.0.2171.99

Expected result (reftest): 

Also, some other tests fail in Chrome 39