HTML AAM issue revises the mapping of the aside element. When an aside is scoped to the body element, or main element - allowing generic or presentational elements as ancestors - the aside element would map to the complementary landmark. some examples: body div aside = complementary or body main aside = complementary or body div main section role=presentation aside = complementary Otherwise, if not scoped to the body or the main element, the aside element would map to the generic role. body main section aside = generic
here is a test case
Note: test case has been updated to include instances of where aside would need to map to role=complementary because it has been given an accessible name. This is not a new change per the update to HTML AAM, but I had forgotten to provide an example in the test case.
Did this change make it into a WPT computedrole test?
I think this needs an update to the following test:
Pull request:
Submitted web-platform-tests pull request:
Committed 270509@main (47f7deca4cff): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #20013 and removing active labels.