NEW 234682
MP4 video in <img /> tag stays paused after safari is send to the background and reopened after some time
Summary MP4 video in <img /> tag stays paused after safari is send to the background ...
Rogier de Ruijter
Reported 2021-12-25 13:29:43 PST
Hi all, I have been trying to use <img src=“.mp4” /> and it works great, but there is 1 issue on safari for iOS. When I am on a webpage with the <img src=“.mp4” /> and switch to a different app, therefore sending safari to the background, it pauses the mp4 and it doesn’t start when I switch back to safari. How to reproduce: - open a webpage with an <img src=“.mp4” /> on safari for iOS. For example this one: - scroll to the Rocky gif on the page. - send safari to the background - wait 10 to 15 seconds - open safari The Rocky gif should be paused. Is this a bug? And would there be a possible work around for this? And happy holidays!
Rogier de Ruijter
Comment 1 2021-12-25 14:33:01 PST
I actually found that the article uses a .gif, instead of a .mp4 file. Nevertheless, the behaviour is still that the video is paused.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 2 2022-01-01 13:30:20 PST
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