NEW 23202
rgba() and hsla() opacity doesn't end up as-specified in DOM
Summary rgba() and hsla() opacity doesn't end up as-specified in DOM
Faruk Ates
Reported 2009-01-08 17:52:31 PST
When setting e.g. opacity: .42 on an element, retrieving that property in the DOM again returns 0.42 as expected. This doesn't work for rgba() and hsla() values. E.g. specifying rgba(0,0,0, .42) returns rgba(0,0,0, 0.417969) in the DOM, the same for hsla(). This is inconsistent and unexpected.
Same testcase file as URL: shows rgba() and opacity properties with inconsistent outcomes in the DOM (345 bytes, text/html)
2009-01-08 17:56 PST, Faruk Ates
no flags
Faruk Ates
Comment 1 2009-01-08 17:56:19 PST
Created attachment 26553 [details] Same testcase file as URL: shows rgba() and opacity properties with inconsistent outcomes in the DOM Adding the testcase as a file attachment as well for scenarios where my site might possibly be down or something similar.
Comment 2 2009-01-09 00:53:10 PST
This probably happens because opacity is stored as a float and the alpha component of a color is stored as a byte.
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 3 2023-02-18 06:30:38 PST
Using STP163, I get opacity and rgba as 0.42 in computed tab of Developer Tools? Do we need anything else or we can close this?
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