RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 203273 231564
[GTK] WebKitURISchemeRequest is missing functions to get headers and methods
Summary [GTK] WebKitURISchemeRequest is missing functions to get headers and methods
Yu-Wei Wu
Reported 2021-10-12 01:17:28 PDT
Unlike WebKitURIRequest which can get the HTTP methods and headers, WebKitURISchemeRequest doesn't have these functions. Even if I tried to get it through connecting "resource-load-started" signal of the webview, the header of this WebKitURIRequest will still be empty. It would be nice if WebKitURISchemeRequest can get the headers and methods since this type is the main type used when defining a new URL scheme. This is useful when it needs to load huge files like videos and the requests have some headers to query in a reasonable range.
Michael Catanzaro
Comment 1 2021-10-18 11:25:56 PDT
Getter for the method is added in bug #231880.
Michael Catanzaro
Comment 2 2021-11-04 05:43:50 PDT
And for headers in bug #203273. Closing. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 203273 ***
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