ArrayBuffer species watchpoint being invalidated doesn't mean it's not an ArrayBuffer constructor from the same global object
Summary ArrayBuffer species watchpoint being invalidated doesn't mean it's not an Arr...
Lukas Bernhard
Reported 2021-10-06 12:48:14 PDT
Differential testing identifies the following samples to trigger a miscomputation in JSC. Tested on e467a9710432ebb3dae9880f897cf93929adc0e6 (Wed Oct 6 16:30:57 2021 +0000) Release/bin/jsc --validateOptions=true --useConcurrentJIT=false --useConcurrentGC=false --thresholdForJITSoon=10 --thresholdForJITAfterWarmUp=10 --thresholdForOptimizeAfterWarmUp=100 --thresholdForOptimizeAfterLongWarmUp=100 --thresholdForOptimizeSoon=100 --thresholdForFTLOptimizeAfterWarmUp=1000 --thresholdForFTLOptimizeSoon=1000 --validateBCE=true --useFTLJIT=true diff.js function main() { async function v23(v24) { for (let v30 = 0; v30 < 60000; v30++) { } ArrayBuffer.prototype.constructor = ArrayBuffer; } const v22 = [0, 0, 0]; const v35 = v22.filter(v23); const v37 = [0, 0, 0] const v42 = new Uint8ClampedArray(v37); const v43 = new Uint32Array(v42); // without FTL: RangeError: Length out of range of buffer print(v43.length); // prints 3 with FTL (also 3 in v8). with --useFTLJIT=true this statement is not executed due to the previous exception } main();
patch (4.05 KB, patch)
2021-10-29 18:41 PDT, Saam Barati
no flags
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2021-10-13 12:49:12 PDT
Saam Barati
Comment 2 2021-10-29 18:41:16 PDT
Yusuke Suzuki
Comment 3 2021-10-29 18:42:44 PDT
Comment on attachment 442892 [details] patch r=me
Comment 4 2021-11-01 13:10:33 PDT
Committed r285123 (243764@main): <> All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug and clearing flags on attachment 442892 [details].
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