Bug 231110 - Audio over peer connection becomes latent when changing the output
Summary: Audio over peer connection becomes latent when changing the output
Alias: None
Product: WebKit
Classification: Unclassified
Component: WebRTC (show other bugs)
Version: Safari 15
Hardware: Unspecified Other
: P2 Normal
Assignee: youenn fablet
Keywords: InRadar
Depends on:
Reported: 2021-10-01 16:43 PDT by Alec Bargas
Modified: 2022-02-04 11:18 PST (History)
15 users (show)

See Also:

Patch (30.41 KB, patch)
2021-10-20 04:03 PDT, youenn fablet
no flags Details | Formatted Diff | Diff
Patch for landing (30.53 KB, patch)
2021-10-21 02:29 PDT, youenn fablet
no flags Details | Formatted Diff | Diff

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Description Alec Bargas 2021-10-01 16:43:00 PDT
The audio playing over a peer connection becomes more latent when changing the audio output device (e.g. going from speakers to headphones or vice versa). The added latency is around half a second. The expectation is that the audio should not become more latent.

This behavior can be seen on the https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/peerconnection/audio/ sample page.
The steps to reproduce the bug are:
1. Disconnect all audio output devices and turn volume to max.
2. Navigate to page.
3. Click the "Call" button.
4. Observe audio latency (recommend with a sharp sound like a tap or pop).
5. Connect headphones.
6. Observe increased audio latency (BUG).
7. Click "Hang Up".
8. Click "Call".
9. Observe normal audio latency.
10. Disconnect headphones.
11. Observe increased audio latency (BUG).

This issue does not repro with audio that is not over a peer connection. This can be seen with the https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/getusermedia/audio/ sample page, following the same steps as above.

Reproduces with:
Version/15.0 Safari/605.1.15 (iOS 15.0)
Version/15.0 Safari/605.1.15 (iPadOS 15.1)
Comment 1 James Howard 2021-10-04 10:47:33 PDT
We've learned that creating an AudioContext seems to mitigate this issue somewhat. Looking at mediaserverd logging, we can see that the num samples per callback from CoreAudio changes when an AudioContext is active:

AudioElement only (matches Alec's repro steps above):

default	12:34:44.814148-0700	mediaserverd	-CMVAEndptMgr- vaemSetDeviceBufferDuration: duration = 0.085, sampleRate = 48000.000, numPCMSamples = 4095, NearestPowerOf2 = 4096, UseQuietBufferSizeProperty = 'NO'
default	12:32:42.477241-0700	mediaserverd	-CMVAEndptMgr- vaemConfigurePVMSettings: PVMSetCurrentState [MediaPlayback, Default, Speaker, Speaker, (null), NO]

AudioElement + AudioContext (add an AudioContext playing silence to Alec's repro steps above):

default	12:27:50.915450-0700	mediaserverd	-CMVAEndptMgr- vaemSetDeviceBufferDuration: duration = 0.003, sampleRate = 48000.000, numPCMSamples = 127, NearestPowerOf2 = 128, UseQuietBufferSizeProperty = 'NO'
default	12:27:50.902493-0700	mediaserverd	-CMVAEndptMgr- vaemConfigurePVMSettings: PVMSetCurrentState [MediaPlayback, Default, Speaker, Speaker, (null), NO]

There's also a third case, which is Audio + Video Element + getUserMedia:
default	12:35:50.823146-0700	mediaserverd	-CMVAEndptMgr- vaemSetDeviceBufferDuration: duration = 0.020, sampleRate = 48000.000, numPCMSamples = 959, NearestPowerOf2 = 1024, UseQuietBufferSizeProperty = 'NO'
default	12:35:50.855153-0700	mediaserverd	-CMVAEndptMgr- vaemConfigurePVMSettings: PVMSetCurrentState [PlayAndRecord, VideoChat, SpeakerAndMicrophone, Speaker, (null), NO]

These cases seem to correspond to the code here: https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/blob/3b96406abb57ffebaa8923a1852637e354fd25ca/Source/WebCore/platform/audio/cocoa/MediaSessionManagerCocoa.mm#L142

I'm not sure I agree with the heuristic in that code where AudioContext => lowest latency, Mic enabled => medium latency, and AudioElement only => highest latency (lowest power). At a minimum, it would seem that if the AudioElement's srcObject contains remote tracks that WebKit ought to choose a lower latency preferred buffer size.

Further, it seems to be the case that the actual observed latency is some (fixed?) multiple of the preferred buffer size. Even a buffer size of 4096 would probably be OK if it were just that, but it seems like there's a queue or a buffer somewhere whose size is x * audio buffer size, so where audio buffer size is small then x doesn't matter so much, but when audio buffer size is large then x really starts to matter.
Comment 2 Radar WebKit Bug Importer 2021-10-08 16:43:23 PDT
Comment 3 youenn fablet 2021-10-20 04:03:50 PDT
Created attachment 441863 [details]
Comment 4 Eric Carlson 2021-10-20 08:13:28 PDT
Comment on attachment 441863 [details]

View in context: https://bugs.webkit.org/attachment.cgi?id=441863&action=review

r=me once the bots are happy

> Source/WebCore/platform/audio/cocoa/AudioSampleDataSource.h:73
> +    void askToComputeOutputSampleOffer() { m_shouldComputeOutputSampleOffset = true; }

The method name is slightly confusing, maybe `recomputeSampleOffset` instead?

> Source/WebCore/platform/mediastream/cocoa/AudioMediaStreamTrackRendererInternalUnit.cpp:242
> +    if (m_sampleTime && m_sampleTime + 2 * sampleCount < sampleTime)

Should we reset if the sample time is too far ahead of *or* behind what we expect?
Comment 5 youenn fablet 2021-10-20 09:10:19 PDT
(In reply to Eric Carlson from comment #4)
> Comment on attachment 441863 [details]
> Patch
> View in context:
> https://bugs.webkit.org/attachment.cgi?id=441863&action=review
> r=me once the bots are happy
> > Source/WebCore/platform/audio/cocoa/AudioSampleDataSource.h:73
> > +    void askToComputeOutputSampleOffer() { m_shouldComputeOutputSampleOffset = true; }
> The method name is slightly confusing, maybe `recomputeSampleOffset` instead?


> > Source/WebCore/platform/mediastream/cocoa/AudioMediaStreamTrackRendererInternalUnit.cpp:242
> > +    if (m_sampleTime && m_sampleTime + 2 * sampleCount < sampleTime)
> Should we reset if the sample time is too far ahead of *or* behind what we
> expect?

Oh right, good point, will fix it!
Comment 6 youenn fablet 2021-10-21 02:29:37 PDT
Created attachment 442000 [details]
Patch for landing
Comment 7 EWS 2021-10-22 01:45:06 PDT
Committed r284674 (243394@main): <https://commits.webkit.org/243394@main>

All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug and clearing flags on attachment 442000 [details].
Comment 8 cxdevteam@outlook.com 2021-11-07 21:14:57 PST
which version will include this fix?
Comment 9 Brent Fulgham 2022-02-04 11:18:30 PST
This change should be present in STP 139, iOS 15.4 Beta, and macOS 12.3 Beta.