NEW 230475
The background partially covers the content on
Summary The background partially covers the content on
Ashley Gullen
Reported 2021-09-20 04:29:14 PDT
Visit this page in Safari: In Chrome and Firefox, it looks correct. In Safari only it has serious display glitches and different layering of elements. There appears to be some web compatibility issues with Safari here.
Comment 1 2021-09-20 07:43:00 PDT
Looks like the "slantedBackground" <div> covers the rest of the content (maybe some z-index, composition type of a bug?)
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 2 2021-09-20 08:34:48 PDT
This is a 3D transforms flattening issue.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 3 2021-09-21 10:35:04 PDT
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