Spec: https://wicg.github.io/eyedropper-api/ Support in other browsers: - Chromium: Shipping with Chromium 95 — https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=897309 - Firefox: No Support
Is there any reason eyedropper functionality couldn't be added to the standard <input type=color> widget? Not certain why a new API is needed.
@heycam: One of [the goals of the API](https://github.com/WICG/eyedropper-api#goals) is this one: > 2. Allow the developer to enable the eyedropper through script (subject to user activation). A good example that leverages this goal is this integration in Slides: https://twitter.com/hakimel/status/1433035547933564937 (video) As they already have a color selection mechanism, that doesn't use input[type="color"], integration the EyeDropper was was really easy.