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Can't read images via Clipboard API
Can't read images via Clipboard API
Noah Chase
2021-08-21 17:05:15 PDT
attachment 436098
Correct number of ClipboardItems, but no usable data. When I use the Clipboard API to grab items that a user pastes into a text input, I see ClipboardItems, but they're always empty (i.e. no `types`, no `presentationStyle`). I'm interested in taking the blob data that represents the file and uploading it to a server for the user as an attachment, after they use the Safari-provided paste option from the edit menu. For example, if I paste two images this way, they appear as follows when I console.log them – see attachment (note that there are no `types`, and it seems there's no way to get at the file blobs). Here's a minimal example that will reproduce the issue: ``` <input type="text" id="textInput" placeholder="paste clipboard contents here" style="width: 100%" /> <script> document.getElementById("textInput").addEventListener('click', (event) => { navigator.clipboard.read().then((data) => { console.log(data) }) event.preventDefault() }) </script> ```
Correct number of ClipboardItems, but no usable data.
(55.21 KB, image/png)
2021-08-21 17:05 PDT
Noah Chase
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Wenson Hsieh
Comment 1
2021-08-24 07:55:16 PDT
Thanks for the report! Just a couple of quick questions: - Are you testing this against an `https` website? - Where are you copying the image from? Does this reproduce for images copied from elsewhere on the web? (i.e. right click > Copy Image).
Noah Chase
Comment 2
2021-08-28 08:54:47 PDT
Hi Winston! - Yes, this is an https website. - I'm copying this image from a file on my Desktop. The behavior is different when I copy an image from the web. That seems to work (it has an array of `types` that includes `"image/png"`, which seems right)
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 3
2021-08-28 17:06:22 PDT
Comment 4
2021-09-04 07:22:52 PDT
Is this the same issue that I reported earlier this year here:
Noah Chase
Comment 5
2021-09-04 12:44:28 PDT
Hi Miikka! Looks the same based on your description!
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