Web Inspector: Elements: selecting a sibling node in the breadcrumb navigation doesn't do anything
Summary Web Inspector: Elements: selecting a sibling node in the breadcrumb navigatio...
Devin Rousso
Reported 2021-07-12 17:16:02 PDT
# STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. inspect any page 2. go to the Elements Tab 3. select a child of the <body> 4. click the breadcrumb navigation item for that node at the top of the main content area 5. select a sibling node # EXPECTED the sibling node would be selected # ACTUAL nothing
Video of Patch v1.0 (30.79 MB, video/quicktime)
2021-07-16 13:00 PDT, Patrick Angle
no flags
Patch v1.0 (5.96 KB, patch)
2021-07-16 13:11 PDT, Patrick Angle
no flags
Patch v1.1 - Revised approach (2.69 KB, patch)
2021-07-16 17:26 PDT, Patrick Angle
no flags
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2021-07-12 17:16:41 PDT
Patrick Angle
Comment 2 2021-07-16 13:00:56 PDT
Created attachment 433695 [details] Video of Patch v1.0
Patrick Angle
Comment 3 2021-07-16 13:11:45 PDT
Created attachment 433697 [details] Patch v1.0
Patrick Angle
Comment 4 2021-07-16 17:26:04 PDT
Created attachment 433719 [details] Patch v1.1 - Revised approach
Devin Rousso
Comment 5 2021-07-19 10:24:07 PDT
Comment on attachment 433719 [details] Patch v1.1 - Revised approach r=me
Comment 6 2021-07-19 11:06:57 PDT
Committed r280037 (239772@main): <> All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug and clearing flags on attachment 433719 [details].
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