NEW 226698
Manually resuming a video after phone call prevents other videos in a session from resuming
Summary Manually resuming a video after phone call prevents other videos in a session...
Reported 2021-06-06 09:24:10 PDT
I was able to reproduce this issue on iOS Safari 14.7 (18G5023c). To reproduce: * Using iOS Safari, go to * On the console, enter: var video = $('#remoteVideo'); video.onpause = () => { console.log('paused; resuming play');; } * Click Start button. If prompted for access for camera and microphone, then grant access * Click Call button to start the one-to-one video call * Using another phone, call the iPhone iOS Safari is running on * From iPhone iOS Safari is running on, reject the call * Notice that only one of the videos resumes. The other does not. We have a potential workaround for this issue. Initial testing looks OK. That said, will need to test more thoroughly. The heuristic: * When the pause event is dispatched after a phone call ends, check "paused" state of all video elements in application * If other videos are paused as well, then they were likely paused because a phone call just ended * Call play() on all video elements to ensure they're all resumed
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2021-06-13 09:25:14 PDT
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