[LayoutTests] Delete unused LayoutTests/fast resources
Summary [LayoutTests] Delete unused LayoutTests/fast resources
Jonathan Bedard
Reported 2021-05-20 19:31:09 PDT
There are a number of resources in LayoutTests/fast that are unused. We should delete them.
Patch (806.89 KB, patch)
2021-05-20 19:52 PDT, Jonathan Bedard
no flags
Patch (489.17 KB, patch)
2021-05-21 08:52 PDT, Jonathan Bedard
no flags
Patch (106.68 KB, patch)
2021-05-21 09:51 PDT, Jonathan Bedard
no flags
Patch (106.10 KB, patch)
2021-05-21 10:15 PDT, Jonathan Bedard
no flags
Patch (105.47 KB, patch)
2021-05-21 12:23 PDT, Jonathan Bedard
dewei_zhu: review+
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2021-05-20 19:31:27 PDT
Jonathan Bedard
Comment 2 2021-05-20 19:52:51 PDT
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 3 2021-05-20 20:52:18 PDT
This is surprising. All tests here were manually written, but there are so many unused resources?
Jonathan Bedard
Comment 4 2021-05-21 08:52:22 PDT
Jonathan Bedard
Comment 5 2021-05-21 09:51:13 PDT
Jonathan Bedard
Comment 6 2021-05-21 10:15:45 PDT
Jonathan Bedard
Comment 7 2021-05-21 12:23:16 PDT
Jonathan Bedard
Comment 8 2021-05-21 13:07:06 PDT
There are a few image files that can be deleted as well, but I can't put those in a patch.
Jonathan Bedard
Comment 9 2021-05-25 12:33:46 PDT
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