NEW 224633
[ wk2 ] media/presentationmodechanged-fired-once.html is a flakey timeout
Summary [ wk2 ] media/presentationmodechanged-fired-once.html is a flakey timeout
Robert Jenner
Reported 2021-04-15 17:02:20 PDT
media/presentationmodechanged-fired-once.html is a flakey timeout on wk2 in iOS 14 Simulator, Catalina, and BigSur. HISTORY: History indicates the first timeout occurred at r274822. TIMEOUT TEXT: -This tests that the "webkitpresentationmodechanged" event is fired only once when the browser switches back to inline from the picture-in-picture mode. +#PID UNRESPONSIVE - WebKitTestRunner (pid 78919) +FAIL: Timed out waiting for notifyDone to be called -RUN(video.src = findMediaFile("video", "content/test")) -EVENT(canplaythrough) -RUN( -RUN(video.webkitSetPresentationMode("picture-in-picture")) -EVENT(webkitpresentationmodechanged) -EXPECTED (internals.isChangingPresentationMode(video) == 'false') OK -EXPECTED (video.webkitPresentationMode == 'picture-in-picture') OK -RUN(video.webkitSetPresentationMode("inline")) -EVENT(webkitpresentationmodechanged) -EXPECTED (video.webkitPresentationMode == 'inline') OK -END OF TEST - +#EOF +#EOF
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2021-04-16 12:24:43 PDT
Robert Jenner
Comment 2 2021-04-16 12:39:19 PDT
The timeouts are not easy to reproduce, but I have been able to reproduce it at BigSur Debug ToT using the following: run-webkit-tests --iterations 2000 --exit-after-n-failures 1 --exit-after-n-crashes-or-timeouts 1 --debug-rwt-logging --no-retry --force --no-build -f --debug media/presentationmodechanged-fired-once.html The timeout does not reproduce every time the above test is run. But it's the only way I've had any success at all with reproducing the timeout. I will attempt to discover a regression point, but given the flakiness of this test, I might not be able to. But we will see.
Robert Jenner
Comment 3 2021-04-16 13:35:48 PDT
Updated test expectation to Pass Timeout here while test is reviewed:
Robert Jenner
Comment 4 2021-04-16 13:39:00 PDT
I have not been able to reliably reproduce the timeouts. For this reason, I cannot discover a regression point.
Robert Jenner
Comment 5 2021-04-16 13:55:35 PDT
Updated expectations for iOS here as well:
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