RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 224606 224605
MacCatalyst build appears inconsistent: ld: warning: building for Mac Catalyst, but linking in .tbd file (..../System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Cocoa.tbd) built for macOS
Summary MacCatalyst build appears inconsistent: ld: warning: building for Mac Catalys...
Kimmo Kinnunen
Reported 2021-04-15 05:40:21 PDT
ld: warning: building for Mac Catalyst, but linking in .tbd file (..../System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Cocoa.tbd) built for macOS It appears as if the MacCatalyst build is inconsistent, making it hard to understand, for example, why a symbol is missing or why tests assert on NSApplication missing.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 1 2021-04-15 15:13:54 PDT
What project does this? There is no macCatalyst version of Cocoa.framework, and I think that Catalyst targets must not be linking it at all.
Kimmo Kinnunen
Comment 2 2021-04-18 22:53:54 PDT
TestWebKitAPI if I understand the output correctly
Tim Horton
Comment 3 2021-04-20 15:17:13 PDT
FWIW, this is actually TestWTF; TestWebKitAPI.xcconfig does the right thing (does not link Cocoa in macCatalyst builds), but TestWTF seems to have not gotten the same adjustment.
Tim Horton
Comment 4 2021-04-20 15:39:49 PDT
There's a fix for this in 224606 *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 224606 ***
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