Images and iframes with attribute loading=lazy do not print if not viewed (scrolled to) first
Summary Images and iframes with attribute loading=lazy do not print if not viewed (sc...
Reported 2021-04-14 08:08:03 PDT
* SUMMARY Lazy loaded images and iframes that have not been on screen yet, are not loaded when printing, producing empty elements. * STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Open Safari/WebKit. 2. Enable lazy loading of images in the Experimental features. 3. Visit a page that contains lazy loaded images or iframes that are not visible on page load (i.e. below the fold). 4. Print the page * EXPECTED RESULTS All images should be visible in the printed version * ACTUAL RESULTS Only images that were already loaded before executing the print command are visible. * REGRESSION I think this never worked. * TEST CASE Printing this page should show the numbers 1 through 6. * RELATED LINKS
Patch (4.89 KB, patch)
2021-09-30 07:33 PDT, Rob Buis
no flags
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2021-04-21 08:08:15 PDT
Rob Buis
Comment 2 2021-09-30 07:33:35 PDT
Derk-Jan Hartman
Comment 3 2023-11-21 07:15:42 PST
This bug still exists. The same issue in Chrome was fixed in January of 2022 This is currently blocking Wikipedia (esp Desktop) from using the native attribute, as people still want to print Wikipedia and expect that to work. I even tried something like: <script> window.onbeforeprint = () => { console.log( 'print' ) document.querySelectorAll( 'img' ).forEach( (elem, index) => { elem.removeAttribute( 'loading' ); }) } </script> But it seems that this is only processed async, and the print still misses images. Related wikipedia ticket:
Derk-Jan Hartman
Comment 4 2024-08-14 04:39:25 PDT
For Safari 17.6 (Desktop) images, I can now set a beforeprint handler, to remove the loading attribute, or explicitly sets it to 'eager' and this will force the images to load. Of course I shouldn't have to set a onbeforeprint handler, but at least that might offer a workaround for the time this remains broken. Still have to verify on the iPhone and I haven't tested iframe behaviour.
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