NEW 221663
-[WKWebView setDrawsBackground:] should be API
Summary -[WKWebView setDrawsBackground:] should be API
Jonathan Deutsch
Reported 2021-02-09 23:30:10 PST
This was an API in the WebView Legacy. Applications like Tumult Hype [] allow users to author content, which may inherently want a transparent background. While the editor itself will probably use an opaque window, an export flow may want to export via -takeSnapshotWithConfiguration and use a transparent WKWebView to render into. Right now, the only way to get a transparent WKWebView is something like: if(@available(macOS 10.13, *)) { [webView setValue:@NO forKey:@"drawsBackground"]; } else { [webView setValue:@YES forKey:@"drawsTransparentBackground"]; } I am surprised WebView was deprecated without providing this.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2021-02-16 23:31:13 PST
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