NEW 221344
Optimize Styleable::elementWasRemoved()
Summary Optimize Styleable::elementWasRemoved()
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Reported 2021-02-03 10:59:17 PST
AnimationTimeline::elementWasRemoved() shows up as hot in Speedometer since Element::removedFromAncestor() is called a lot. I see removals with both idle and active animations (color transitions). WebCore::Element::removedFromAncestor(WebCore::Node::RemovalType, WebCore::ContainerNode&) WebCore::AnimationTimeline::elementWasRemoved(WebCore::Styleable const&) WebCore::DeclarativeAnimation::cancel(WebCore::WebAnimation::Silently) WebCore::WebAnimation::cancel(WebCore::WebAnimation::Silently) WebCore::AnimationEffect::getBasicTiming(WTF::Optional<WTF::Seconds>) const WebCore::AnimationEffect::getBasicTiming(WTF::Optional<WTF::Seconds>) const::$_0::operator()() const WebCore::WebAnimation::currentTime(WTF::Optional<WTF::Seconds>) const WebCore::WebAnimation::currentTime(WebCore::WebAnimation::RespectHoldTime, WTF::Optional<WTF::Seconds>) const WebCore::DocumentTimeline::currentTime() WTF::fastMalloc(unsigned long) bmalloc::api::malloc(unsigned long, bmalloc::HeapKind) bmalloc::Cache::allocate(bmalloc::HeapKind, unsigned long) WebCore::WebAnimation::effect() const WebCore::DeclarativeAnimation::invalidateDOMEvents(WTF::Seconds)
Antoine Quint
Comment 1 2021-02-04 05:37:10 PST
We should look into caching basic and computed timing, but we'll have to be careful here because their output can vary when any timing property is changed, not just the timeline time. However, in the process of an animation simply running after initial setup without any change made via CSS or the JS API, which should be the vast majority of cases, we might be able to see some gains here. I also think that kind of optimization would show immediate regressions in WPT tests in case something went wrong.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 2 2021-02-10 11:00:34 PST
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