NEW 220642
Long pressing on an img that has `-webkit-touch-callout: none` causes an extra mousedown to fire
Summary Long pressing on an img that has `-webkit-touch-callout: none` causes an extr...
Jarod Gowgiel
Reported 2021-01-14 17:00:44 PST
On an iOS device, long pressing on a regular div fires two events: a touchstart, and then a touchend when the finger is released. Long pressing on an img element, however, fires three events: a touchstart, then a short while thereafter a mousedown, and finally a touchend. I've written up a trivial example to show this difference at I'd expect that, with -webkit-touch-callout disabled (which prevents the image preview / save callout) the long press behavior would be the same between these two elements, especially since a regular tap fires the same events for both.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2021-01-21 17:01:12 PST
Comment 2 2021-01-29 15:14:07 PST
On the iOS 14.4 beta I see only touchstart and touchend. If I hold the tap long enough I also see touchmove events but that occurs on both the div and the img element.
Jarod Gowgiel
Comment 3 2022-02-15 16:58:47 PST
I’m still able to reproduce this on iOS 15.1 on my device.
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