Input search cross doesn't re-appear after emptying and typing again
Summary Input search cross doesn't re-appear after emptying and typing again
Yves Van Goethem
Reported 2008-11-03 14:23:54 PST
Description : Search field doesn't react as other native Mac search fields (e. g.: Finder & Safari) Steps to reproduce : 1. Type some stuff in a search field (input type="search") ; 2. Click on the cross to remove the content ; 3. You still get the focus, re-type something ; 4. bug : The cross doesn't appear until you lost the focus of the search field.
Anthony Ricaud
Comment 1 2008-11-03 14:31:00 PST
Confirmed with r38068
Anthony Ricaud
Comment 2 2009-04-02 09:29:43 PDT
I can't reproduce this anymore with r42162 on Mac.
Yves Van Goethem
Comment 3 2009-05-05 09:11:58 PDT
Fixed ! Works fine in WebKit r43163 on Mac.
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