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App leaks memory in WebKit and crashes the tab
App leaks memory in WebKit and crashes the tab
Dario D'Amico
2020-12-13 20:46:38 PST
attachment 416134
The Jetsam report produced by an iPad where Safari crashed. This is about an app that probably is leaking memory and as a result crashes Safari iOS, but does not crash any other browser. Unfortunately, we don't have a good repro; while I have a feeling that there is something wrong with the app itself, it does not appear to crash any other browser so I am reporting this. In our organization I am working full-time on understanding this crash, so feel free to contact me at any time. I trying very hard to isolate the problem and produce a more minimal repro, but so far I had not luck. I am mainly working using WebKit Web Inspector and Chrome DevTools in an attempt to determine what kind of leak we are facing. The bug has been primarily observed on the following configuration: Model name : iPad Pro (9.7-inch) OS version : iPadOS 14.2 Model number: MLMN2LL/A Another iPad model that is affected is MLPW2LL/A. Also Epiphany on Linux seems to be affected. To repro, run
on iOS Safari. It should crash within a couple hours. The same app does not crash in any other browser, except maybe Epiphany on Linux.
The Jetsam report produced by an iPad where Safari crashed.
(26.77 KB, application/json)
2020-12-13 20:46 PST
Dario D'Amico
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Dario D'Amico
Comment 1
2020-12-15 09:38:07 PST
I forgot to mention that the "easiest" way to repro, and probably realistically the only one, is to click the "Run test" button in the top right corner of the screen.
Yusuke Suzuki
Comment 2
2020-12-15 18:59:04 PST
@dino The resource overlay data looks like this is related to WebGL, can you take a look?
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 3
2020-12-20 20:47:15 PST
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