MIMETypeRegistry.cpp uses #if PLATFORM(CG), should it look for CF?
Summary MIMETypeRegistry.cpp uses #if PLATFORM(CG), should it look for CF?
Mark Mentovai
Reported 2008-10-23 18:29:55 PDT
In WebCore/platform/MIMETypeRegistry.cpp, initializeSupportedImageMIMETypes and initializeSupportedImageMIMETypesForEncoding both have some code that's #if PLATFORM(CG), gating what looks more like CF code having nothing to do with graphics. Should these #ifs change to #if PLATFORM(CF)?
Sam Weinig
Comment 1 2008-10-23 19:08:47 PDT
The #if PLATFORM(CG) in initializeSupportedImageMIMETypes and initializeSupportedImageMIMETypesForEncoding are CG related because it calls CGImageSourceCopyTypeIdentifiers() and CGImageDestinationCopyTypeIdentifiers(). The getMIMETypeForUTI is also #if PLATFORM(CG) that way because it is a helper that is only called from other #if PLATFORM(CG) in the file. What were you thinking was CFish and not CGish?
Mark Mentovai
Comment 2 2008-10-24 10:32:22 PDT
The CG calls were at the ends of long lines and I guess I missed them in the sea of CF. You're right, there's definitely CG in there.
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