Crash in dumpFramesAsText() when running http/tests/security/cross-origin-xsl-BLOCKED.html
Summary Crash in dumpFramesAsText() when running http/tests/security/cross-origin-xsl...
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Reported 2008-10-22 09:01:28 PDT
To reproduce: 1. Run http/tests/security/cross-origin-xsl-BLOCKED.html You'll hit a crash in dumpFramesAsText (documentElement is 0). Here's the backtrace: DumpRenderTree_debug.exe!IUnknown::QueryInterface<IDOMElementPrivate>(IDOMElementPrivate * * pp=0x0012ebec) Line 124 + 0xe bytes C++ > DumpRenderTree_debug.exe!dumpFramesAsText(IWebFrame * frame=0x05277bd0) Line 340 + 0x17 bytes C++ DumpRenderTree_debug.exe!dumpFramesAsText(IWebFrame * frame=0x02146680) Line 358 + 0x18 bytes C++ DumpRenderTree_debug.exe!dump() Line 562 + 0x10 bytes C++ DumpRenderTree_debug.exe!FrameLoadDelegate::locationChangeDone(IWebError * __formal=0x00000000, IWebFrame * frame=0x02146680) Line 225 C++ DumpRenderTree_debug.exe!FrameLoadDelegate::didFinishLoadForFrame(IWebView * webView=0x02126990, IWebFrame * frame=0x02146680) Line 236 C++ WebKit_debug.dll!WebFrameLoaderClient::dispatchDidFinishLoad() Line 289 + 0x26 bytes C++ WebKit_debug.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::checkLoadCompleteForThisFrame() Line 3185 + 0x18 bytes C++ WebKit_debug.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::recursiveCheckLoadComplete() Line 3291 C++ WebKit_debug.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::checkLoadComplete() Line 3302 C++ WebKit_debug.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::finishedLoading() Line 2981 C++ WebKit_debug.dll!WebCore::MainResourceLoader::didFinishLoading() Line 334 C++ WebKit_debug.dll!WebCore::ResourceLoader::didFinishLoading(WebCore::ResourceHandle * __formal=0x04fd6d20) Line 398 + 0xf bytes C++ WebKit_debug.dll!WebCore::didFinishLoading(_CFURLConnection * conn=0x0511ad00, const void * clientInfo=0x04fd6d20) Line 119 + 0x1e bytes C++ ...CFNetwork frames elided... user32.dll!_InternalCallWinProc@20() + 0x28 bytes user32.dll!_UserCallWinProcCheckWow@32() + 0xb7 bytes user32.dll!_DispatchMessageWorker@8() + 0xdc bytes user32.dll!_DispatchMessageW@4() + 0xf bytes DumpRenderTree_debug.exe!runTest(const char * pathOrURL=0x0012f6e8) Line 751 + 0xc bytes C++ DumpRenderTree_debug.exe!main(int argc=2, char * * argv=0x01bf1208) Line 1088 + 0xc bytes C++ DumpRenderTree_debug.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 597 + 0x19 bytes C DumpRenderTree_debug.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 414 C kernel32.dll!_BaseProcessStart@4() + 0x23 bytes
patch (5.35 KB, patch)
2009-01-15 11:32 PST, Adele Peterson
darin: review+
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 1 2008-10-22 09:06:16 PDT
Adele Peterson
Comment 2 2009-01-15 11:32:08 PST
Created attachment 26764 [details] patch I'm having some trouble running all the layout tests right now (unrelated to this patch), but in the meantime, I wanted to post this fix. I verified it does fix the crash.
Darin Adler
Comment 3 2009-01-15 11:34:15 PST
Comment on attachment 26764 [details] patch r=me
Adele Peterson
Comment 4 2009-01-15 11:54:55 PST
Committed revision 39940.
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