run-webkit-tests runs xcodebuild an unnecessary amount of times
Summary run-webkit-tests runs xcodebuild an unnecessary amount of times
Tim Horton
Reported 2020-09-15 10:09:05 PDT
PlatformInfo tries to memoize calls to xcodebuild to determine SDKs and Xcode version, but there isn't a singleton PlatformInfo, so it doesn't work. Fixing this reduces the time to run a single test from ~7 seconds to ~3.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2020-09-22 10:10:18 PDT
Kimmo Kinnunen
Comment 2 2022-06-30 04:05:11 PDT
Tim Horton
Comment 3 2022-06-30 10:44:47 PDT
kimmo++, thank you for fixing :)
Comment 4 2022-07-01 09:35:09 PDT
Committed 252047@main (bac2308618bb): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #1941 and removing active labels.
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